@article{Cook2014, number={1}, volume={74}, author={Cook, Kevin and Bryan, Everett and Yu, Huili and Bai, He and Seppi, Kevin and Beard, Randal}, issn={1573-0409}, pages={251–267}, journal={Journal of Intelligent {&} Robotic Systems}, abstract={We introduce an intelligent cooperative control system for ground target tracking in a cluttered urban environment with a team of autonomous Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs). We extend the work of Yu et al. to use observations of target position to learn a model of target motion. Simulated cooperative control of a team of 9 UAVs in a 100-block city filled with various sizes of buildings verifies that learning a model of target motion can improve target tracking performance.}, doi={10.1007/s10846-013-9896-5}, title={Intelligent Cooperative Control for Urban Tracking}, year={2014}, }