@article{mecham2006jumpstarting, pages={19–35}, journal={International journal of bioinformatics research and applications}, publisher={Inderscience Publishers}, abstract={Phylogenetic analysis is a central tool in studies of comparative genomics. When a new region of DNA is isolated and sequenced, researchers are often forced to throw away months of computation on an existing phylogeny of homologous sequences in order to incorporate this new sequence. The previously constructed trees are often discarded, and the researcher begins the search again from scratch. The jumpstarting algorithm uses trees from the prior search as a starting point for a new phylogenetic search. This technique drastically decreases search time for large data sets. This kind of analysis is necessary as researchers analyse tree of life size data sets.}, number={1}, title={Jumpstarting phylogenetic analysis}, year={2006}, volume={2}, author={Mecham, Jesse and Clement, Mark and Snell, Quinn and Freestone, Todd and Seppi, Kevin and Crandall, Keith}, }